NTR & Sreenu Vytla’ latest Blockbuster “Baadsha” has opened to the Packed houses in USA, other countries & India. In USA it started on Apr 4th itself and rocking all the theatres across the country.
The following are are highlights of BAADSHA’s splendidrun across the world.
In USA it opened in highest number of Theatres and Highest screens on par with BIG BOILLYWOOD movies.
USA – Day-1 Premieres created new record surpassing previous with huge margin.
USA By Friday(Premieres+Friday) reported gross crossed $535K and including Non-Reported it crossed $600K on Day-1 itself USA- Baadsha became biggest HIT in NTR career within a Day of the Release.
Dubai, Baadsha has become one of the top three telugu movie grosser for Day-1.
Aust & NZ, It is humongous hit, and has become number one movie for Day-1 in Melbourne and many more centers.
UK, Baadsha has released in a record 40+ centers and doing extremely well and posign towards one of the top telugu movie grosser.
USA: it has released in ALL high end multiplex theatres i.e. CINEMARK, AMC, REGAL, CARMIKE and rocking all over USA from the Premiere shows Itself.
USA: Several locations have increased to their Biggest auditoriums and number of screens/shows to accommodate the peak day of overseas people.
For records purpose, NTR NTR NTR became the Lucky darling to our GREAT INDIA FILMS with 4 Hits in a row in NTR – Great India Films combo with Baadshah in terms of Student No.1, Adurs, Brindavanam & Baadsha.
Great India Films Thanks to all the stake holders who have contributed in making BAADSHA BIGGEST Successful theatrical release, Mike for CINEMARK(56 locations), Rohit BIGcinemas, Roop for Carmike, AMC, Regal etc. and especially all our exhibitors/partners who are our heart & backbone of this movie, who have put lot of faith and confidence and stood behind us in achieving BAADSHA BLOCK BUSTER HIT in USA. A special thanks to Sudhakar Chaganti, Ramesh Patel, Ashok Raju and producer Bandla Ganesh garu who have extended their support at all our needs at right time.
We also thankful to our Director and Well wisher Sreenu Vytla garu who have done everything to get the movie smooth release in overseas. Pramod & our well wisher Ashok Raju who are our well wishers in encouraging us in doing this heave ALL DIGITAL release.
We are very much thankful to all our WEB Media partners, Print & TV Media Partenrs for their excellent promotion.
Pls. watch BAADSHA in GOOD THEATRES Only for NTR, Kajal and Brahmi’s Best performance till date, Stay away from piracy to get the best feeling of watching BAADSHA and all other scintillating chart buster songs.
Sudha & Soma
For Great India Films
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