Young Tiger NTR’s upcoming film Baadshah under Srinu Vytla direction is going to be a definite block buster according to Numerology.
NTR as hero gave Blockbusters for every 7th film in his career ‘ Simhadri ’his 7th movie was Block Buster, ‘Yamadonga’ his 14th movie was Block Buster and latest ‘Baadshah’ is his 21st movie will be a Block Buster if the sentiment continues, That’s the reason, from the day one of the shoot, Producer Bandla Ganesh on every occasion rephrased’ Baadshah’ name with ‘Blockbuster Baadshah’.
Meanwhile, Baadshah’s 1st copy will be ready by day after tomorrow and censor is planned on 28th or 29th, movie release is confirm on APRIL 5th in record number of theaters world wide.
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