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Time for Varma Vishwaroopam!

Posted by : Jagadish on : 3 Feb 2013 0 comments
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The heat and the intensity of the issue over Vishwaroopam has cost Kamal Hasan his house and properties and gave him several sleepless nights and however it ended after causing him great trouble.

Now another maker is walking in the steps of Kamal towards the same controversy and he is none other than the most controversial director in the history of Indian Cinema ,Ram Gopal Varma. However the only difference between Kamal and Ram Gopal Varma is that Kamal unintentionally landed into this controversy and Ram Gopal Varma wants controversy.

The trailers of The attacks of 26/11 has shown a blasting followed by showing a Goddess and this already provoked hindus and now this movie is also about Terrorism and no doubt there will be use of Muslim terrorists in this movie and hence this movie will be a bigger controversy than Vishwaroopam.

Now only Varma can decide whether he should take the risk of putting disgracing scenes in the movie or not and he must decide it carefully for it will give him sleepless nights if he makes wrong decision. 

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