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The Dark Knight Rises – Brand New Trailer

Posted by : 123 on : 23 Jun 2012 1 comments
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In all likelihood this is the final trailer for The Dark Knight Rises. I certainly didn’t expect to see another promo this lengthy, I thought we were firmly in 30 second TV Spot territory. Did they save the best trailer til last? Take a look:

Emphasis is definitely on the action here, more so than first two trailers, which built up fairly slowly and really sold a surprisingly lethargic and melancholy tone for a summer blockbuster. Before getting to the explosions and brawls that is. The second full trailer is still my personal favorite, I think, but this one sure is exciting. Great preview of the score too.
The Dark Knight Rises stars Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy and Gary Oldman, and will be making record amounts of money on July 20th.
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